Institutional Membership



Benefits of an Institutional Membership

  • AMBA discounts for medical insurance
  • Advocacy for Statewide Education Issues
  • Member Discount for Conferences/Events
  • Association Newsletter
  • Free PD for your school( see for more PD details)
  • Networking with Administrators across the state

Join Online

Download Mail-in Form >

A school may enroll all Administrators and school leaders (defined as individuals in your building receiving a monetary supplement from your district) for one fee. 

Please locate your schools TSSAA Classification

Class  No. of Schools Enrollment Range 
1A 83 0-386
2A 83 387-700
3A 83 701-1228
4A 83 1229 and greater

Annual Membership Pricing

July 1 - June 30

A $100
AA $200
AAA $300


All middle schools will be able to join for




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